lunedì 28 marzo 2011

Come usare i verbi SPEAK E TALK:che differenza c’è?

In generale c’è poca differenza fra speak e talk.
La maggior parte delle volte sono intercambiabili.

Vediamo alcuni esempi
When the  teacher of English  walked into the classroom, the students stopped talking.
Can I talk to the person in charge,please?
They stopped speaking to each another            + formale
'They have stopped talking to each another      + informale

Tenere una lecture (lezione,conferenza) informale

Mister Rossi is going to talk about natural remedies for pets

Tenere una lecture (lezione,conferenza) su argomenti  più impegnativi
Doctor  John Casey is going to speak on recent developments in genome biology
You're talking  rubbish!                     Stai dicendo stupidaggini

Don't talk nonsense
                          non dire assurdità
Let's go for a coffee and talk it over    parliamone
Paul always talks about himself          parla sempre di sé
What are you talking about?
Babies walk at one and talk  at two

Roger, you talk in your sleep
Don't say anything about this to Peter. He talks  behind people's backs (= dietro le spalle)
George .We need to talk
She talks so much it gives me a headache.
That boy can never be quiet.He talks all the time


Everyone speaks well of Sara.She’s kind and sympathetic (comprensiva)
I haven't spoken to Maria since last month
Luisa speaks  French and German
Can you speak up?I can’t hear you  ( alzare la voce)
The facts speak for themselves  ( parlano da soli)
He  always speaks his  mind ( dice quello che pensa)

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